Even though celebrations will have to be from home, you can share your love of horses via social media and enter special contests.
A Facebook post took a lot of hard-core horse enthusiasts by surprise when it asked a question about the origins of an iconic brand's name.
Two horses and a handful of goats help promote the launch of the much-anticipated Ford Bronco Sport edition.
Equine Guelph's past webinars are now posted as replays, while four fresh ones on building wealth are coming up beginning Jan. 18th.
Supporters of a new reform effort want to get it through the Senate to eliminate chains, weighted shoes and other abuses.
Grey Bruce Farmers’ Week will feature an information-packed Horse Day with discussions on health, nutrition, training and pasture management.
From a popular new urban bridle path in Beijing to the Heilan Horse Culture Museum, novel equestrian experiences abound.
The focus of the Equine Industry Symposium 2020 will be on the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has impacted the equine industry.
Up to 12 'surplus' horses will be available for auction this October from the Musical Ride's breeding program in Pakenham, Ontario.
At this unique inn in northwestern England you can live out your childhood fantasy of spending the night in the barn ‒ but it comes at a hefty price.
With the pandemic cancelling the live event this year, the free month-long online eQuestrian celebration offers sneak peek at the 2021 Exhibition.
EIS discovers that despite the negative impact the pandemic has had on everyone, there are many positive aspects, especially for horse owners.
OE will be sending a survey out to the membership to collect data which will hopefully aid in securing ArgiRecovery funding for the industry.
University of Guelph students are working with Dr. Katrina Merkies to provide helpful information for horse communities across Canada.
USLA will serve breeders of the purebred Lusitano horse by assisting with the registration and inspection of horses in accordance with APSL Studbook Rules.