Last Saturday, October 30, the Therapeutic Riding Association of Ottawa-Carleton Inc. (TROtt), was delighted to receive a surprise donation of $20,000 from the Central Canada Exhibition Association (“SuperEx”). Since the recent dissolution of the SuperEx, former directors of their board have chosen a variety of worthy agricultural causes in the community to which to donate assets. Directors Sandie Harkins and Ashley Lamoureux chose TROtt as their beneficiary.

Before unveiling SuperEx’s generous cheque to TROtt, Sandie and Ashley remarked, “With the SuperEx being disbanded and our funds left to allocate to the agricultural community, we wanted to give back to the people of Ottawa and thank them for their long-standing support of the SuperEx … We personally chose TROtt, as we consider it a great organization that provides children and adults with physical, developmental, and learning disabilities the chance to enjoy therapeutic horseback riding. The subsidized lessons at TROtt enhance the riders’ quality of life through regular physical exercise and companionship with TROtt’s amazing horses.”

TROtt’s chairperson, Annie Grenon, and other board members were present to receive what had been a previously undisclosed amount on Saturday. They were astounded when SuperEx unveiled a $20,000 cheque in TROtt’s name. “COVID-19 has put a financial squeeze on TROtt, just as it has on so many organizations. This donation will help our charity move forward with much-needed therapeutic programs in the community,” said Annie Grenon.

TROtt is always in need of help from the community and urges prospective donors to visit its website here.