The Mounting Drill with Steve Rother

If you have ever watched people attempt to mount their horses, you may be surprised by how difficult this seemingly simple task can be. Often, the rider positions the horse and then scrambles to mount before the horse moves off.…

Thoroughbreds Got Talent

It was a “mid-life crisis” that drove Lindsey Partridge to enter the Thoroughbred Makeover competition early last year.

“Okay, it was an early mid-life crisis,” the now 30-year-old admits. “I was going to be turning 30 and I felt like …

How Can I Teach My Horse to Stand Still in the Cross-ties?

A key to understanding horse behaviour is to realize how much horses learn by associating one thing with another. This is called classical conditioning. They associate a certain environment with the place something significant happened or typically happens.

Could your …

Shiny, Happy Horses

Good grooming is about more than just shampoo and making your horse pretty. It can help with bonding and improve your relationship.

Shaping: Learning in Baby Steps

A grey Andalusian stallion gallops at liberty across the Cavalia stage, comes to a sliding stop in front of his handler and dances with her in a breathtaking choreographed sequence. A grand prix dressage horse seems to skip effortlessly through …

Weight Watching

Achieving and maintaining a healthy body condition score and body weight can be one of the most important things you do for your horse in its life.

How Can I Get My Horse to Stand Still for Mounting?

Horses move when being mounted either because they are unbalanced, in pain or being ridden has not been a good experience for them. As with most behavioural problems, check that all your tack fits your horse properly, that his teeth …