Lunging with Feel Part 2

In part one of this series, in the September/October issue, you learned that by lunging your horse using the correct alignment, pushing the right buttons and using the right amount of energy, you’re speaking to him in a way that …

Go with the Flow

There are three stages to learning a new skill. Don’t expect immediate perfection from you – or your horse, just go stage by stage.

Flying Changes Made Simple

Flying changes are just that – a leap. But not so much a leap of the feet, as a leap of the mind. Your horse may be solid with his leads, never missing a lead cue. Nevertheless, as you now …

Obstacle Prep

The exercise ‘Release to a Jump’ encourages your horse to engage physically and mentally in a free jumping challenge. Even if you don’t plan on jumping your horse, this exercise is a valuable tool that helps with good horsemanship, and …

Missing: A Horse Escape Tale

The morning of June 26, 2016, Ashley MacCormick received one of those calls every horse owner dreads, yet half expects at any moment. Her gelding Mac-Talla (Mac for short) was roaming loose in her central Nova Scotia community of Belmont.…

Horse-Drawn Controversy

Some see horse-drawn carriages as a part of our culture, some believe they pose animal welfare risks – get the facts on tourism carriages.

Lunging with Feel

Lunging is a valuable training tool that every horse person should be able to do well. It’s also something horse people often don’t agree on. There are those who believe that:

  • free lunging is a better option than using a