Shaping The Side Pass

To shift your horse closer to a gate, along a pole or away from the horse giving off bad vibes beside you in the class line-up, you’ll need to teach him to side pass.

What’s a side pass?

Most equine …

Antibiotic Resistance in Horses

A wide variety of antibiotic drugs have saved millions of lives by killing the deadly bacteria that make people and animals sick. But, increasingly, bacteria are becoming resistant to the most-used antibimicrobial drugs. A bacterium is deemed to be resistant …

The Smell of a Horse

I recently read a lengthy article about the science of memory. We still really don’t know too much about how our brains work, and the article spent a lot of time discussing neurons, hormones, dopamine and various other organic chemistry …

The Hows and Whys of a Winning Position

Many riders learn the “hows” of riding, but often miss out on the “whys.” It’s a shame, because if we could grasp the logic behind the skills, and their future application, we would be more motivated to master them. In …

5 Steps to Building a Positive Partnership

Recently, the ‘alpha theory,’ where the human is dominant (‘alpha’) and the horse is submissive, has become the accepted way to establish relationships with horses. While this type of relationship can make the horse easier to work with, it does …

Living the Dream

When and why did you become a professional trainer?

I started training professionally and giving some small clinics when I was in college, pursuing a degree in agricultural business management. It was a good way to keep up with my …