Benefits of Counter Canter

Wrong lead!” The coach calls out and the rider deflates. Fast forward a year down the road to see the same rider initiating the wrong lead…on purpose. Why? She’s discovered the counter canter as an essential tool in building a …

Develop Rounder, Smoother Turns with Steve Rother

Are you having difficulty developing shoulder control, circles and consistent impulsion? The “Daisy Pattern” is a great exercise to help with these issues because it involves many turns, which encourage the shoulders to do most of the work, creating better …

Calm & Safe Leading

Leading a large, anxious, excitable flight animal that outweighs you by 800-1,000 pounds can be a nerve rattling situation and it can also become dangerous.

Coping Strategies

Sport – and life – come with emotions, and sometimes they are strong and interfering. We must learn to distinguish between feelings and actions.

Little Pink and (Blue and Green) Houses

Outside many a barn and at every horse show, there is a Polymer Palace. Depending on where you’re from, they may be known as a Best Seat in the House, Drop Zone, Johnny on the Spot, Spiffy Biffy, Heeeere’s Johnny, …

Size Matters

There is a longstanding unofficial rule of thumb that a horse should bear no more than 20 per cent of its body weight, including rider and equipment.