Friend Me!

I’ve been dragged, kicking and screaming, into the world of social media. I didn’t want to be. I held to my Luddite principles for as long as I could bear it, and I still can’t abide the term “social media”, …

Wild at Heart

Kylie Jensen dreams a little wilder than most. Her ambition to tame and train wild horses was born after being given a link to the film Wild Horse, Wild Ride by her instructor, Tony McKee, at the Remuda Horseman Program, …

Thundering Controversy

The ‘klaxon’ horn blares loudly, sending 24 horses, four drivers and eight riders into instant motion as they navigate the figure-eight around two barrels and then straighten out onto the track in what has become known as the ‘half mile …

Harness Your Horse’s Mind

In this article, we will be talking about how you can influence your horse to choose the thinking part of his brain, rather than the reactive side, when faced with everyday decisions. The mind of the horse is very powerful, …

How To Teach Back Up

Stop and back. It’s the final segment in many show patterns, putting the finishing punctuation on the phrases of the manoeuvres you’ve linked together for a winning presentation.

Equitation, western horsemanship, western riding and reining are among the classes that …

Riding Bending Lines

Hunter, jumper and equitation courses often include bending lines between jumps because they test the accuracy and partnership of the rider and horse. It takes good balance, impulsion, accuracy and planning ahead to ride bending lines successfully and smoothly. And, …

Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction

Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), also referred to as equine Cushing’s disease, is a complex health problem that leaves many horse owners confused. After receiving the diagnosis from your veterinarian, you may be wondering what you can do to improve …

Give Them Shelter

Researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences have conducted a study on the use of paddock shelters in the summertime.