David Marcus of Campbellville, ON, and Chrevi’s Capital, recently nominated to the Canadian Olympic Committee for review and naming to the 2012 Canadian Olympic Team for dressage, have begun their journey to London. In preparation, the pair will compete at …
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The horse might be young and eager to take in the sights and sounds of a new life under saddle, or simply have a tendency to pay attention to anything but the rider. Show jumper and coach Mac Cone of …
Equine owners and others with an interest in equine welfare have an opportunity to provide input into the revision to Canada’s Equine Code of Practice through online surveys.
The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) is conducting a third stakeholder …
I went down into the basement today, and there was another saddle down there. I have no idea how many saddles we own, but I know that we own more saddles than horses. On top of the saddle, there was …
You start to pick out your horse's hoof and get a nasty whiff of what can only be described as rot . . . Your horse has thrush.
Hay is the staple of many horses' diets, particularly when pasture is not available due to season or housing limitations. Learn more about the choices.
Josh Nichol shares advice on dealing with trust issues and overcoming other common challenges faced when dealing with a rescue horse.
Hands that are light, quiet and soft enhance the horse's balance, suppleness and way of carrying himself by supporting the direction given by the rider.
It can be hard initially to predict or control how introducing them to each other will go, and sometimes the first meeting can be pivotal.
Find out what forms of permanent horse identification are commonly used, which ones are safe and which ones are most effective.