Go with the Flow

There are three stages to learning a new skill. Don’t expect immediate perfection from you – or your horse, just go stage by stage.

Flying Changes Made Simple

Flying changes are just that – a leap. But not so much a leap of the feet, as a leap of the mind. Your horse may be solid with his leads, never missing a lead cue. Nevertheless, as you now …

Obstacle Prep

The exercise ‘Release to a Jump’ encourages your horse to engage physically and mentally in a free jumping challenge. Even if you don’t plan on jumping your horse, this exercise is a valuable tool that helps with good horsemanship, and …

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Horse Shot and Killed in Elmworth, Alberta

A horse was shot and killed in her paddock on an Elmworth, Alberta farm on October 21st.

Tassie’s owner, eight-year-old Shelby Ireland, was devastated upon hearing the news, when only moments before she had been admiring her mare through a