A big shout-out to #shiteventersunite, who showed us that riders can laugh at themselves - and raise money for charity at the same time.
And it's adorable and hilarious and Draper is serving as a popular face of fundraising for the Toronto Police.
A recent study found that physical interaction between children with CP and horses is extremely important for rehabilitation.
Charlotte Smith was homeless and a drug addict at the age of 15, but a job on a horse farm proved to be a game-changer.
Dressage riders can socialize with friends and take lessons, horse owners can track progress, and polework can prevent the winter arena blahs.
Film Festival Flix is the exclusive virtual streaming venue for the 2021 Festival, featuring 40 new films November 12-21.
The Therapeutic Riding Association of Ottawa-Carleton got a surprise donation of $20,000 from the Central Canada Exhibition Association.
US Congress is providing record-breaking funding to help end the cruel and painful practice of "soring" in the gaited horse show world.
The free app divides the world into 3-metre squares and assigns them a simple ID; here's how it may have saved one rider's life.
The chestnut racehorse made headline news when the ground opened up and swallowed him, and now he is ready for a new home.
This Wisconsin artist and horse lover wields a mean chainsaw, carving equine heads, turtles and totem poles.
CFIA investigations are underway and movement controls have been placed on the four infected horses and any on-premises contact animals.
This free seminar with Tate Morris, DVM takes horse owners through the colic workup and the questions your vet is seeking to answer.
The well-known actress and animal rights activist saw her TV ad calling for a carriage ban pulled down for being "too graphic."
The latest group of this endangered equid will be set free in Xinjiang and bring the total number of the herd to 292 horses.