Name that Bump

Being the active – yet fragile – animals they are, horses are subject to a variety of lumps and bumps, such as bone spavin, hives, and more.

Humour – Book Learnin’

There is a bookshelf in our house where my wife has assembled (in order, mind you), the textbooks from every course she took in university. She sees them as trophies for passing the course. I, on the other hand, have …

Stem Cell Reality Check

Few, if any, areas of scientific study have captured the imagination of medicine and the masses alike as definitively as that of stem cell research.

The Slip

Maintaining an equine pregnancy can be tricky; complications can occur with natural and artificial conception, this article highlights causes of the "slip".

Ask Us: Proud Flesh

Proud flesh is an exuberant growth of granulation tissue, which is highly fibrous, full of small blood vessels and designed to help in the healing process.

Lungeing Part 1: The Basics

Try lungeing him. Lungeing means having your horse travel around you on a circle at the end of a long line, and it has many uses:

* starting a young horse’s training or retraining a spoiled horse

* improving condition …

How to: Become a Career Groom

A groom does far more than just brush horses; they are responsible for overall care. Some duties that are required of grooms are outlined in this article.

Dealing with Mature Rider Angst

Recently, a group of experienced riders between the ages of 45 and 65, were out on a leisurely hack when the discussion turned to how adventuresome their riding had been when they were younger and how some, particularly the women …