The Gentle Touch

It is in our nature to use touch to soothe, relieve, reassure and communicate. It's perhaps no surprise that massage is one of the oldest therapies.

How to Teach a Winning Stop

Like a dinner mint after a meal, a precise stop puts finishing punctuation on a pattern and leaves the judge with a good taste in his mouth! From reining to dressage, western riding to western horsemanship, the stop is your …

How to: Deal with a “Pushy” Horse

Pushiness can range from constantly searching for treats in your pockets to actually biting you or seemingly walking through you like you are not even there. Before we learn how to correct pushy behaviour, we must first understand why our …

Tick Talk

Learn how to recognize the symptoms and protect your horse, plus what researchers are doing to help identify and prevent diseases stemming from ticks.

Make Fly Spray Application a Breeze

It’s summertime, and that means bugs, bugs and more bugs! So, it’s time to pull out the insect repellant. But what do you do if your horse runs the other way as soon as she sees the bottle? In this …

How to Achieve Balanced Turns

Horses naturally want to be balanced and stay upright. Unbalanced horses stumble, slow down or race around turns. If you can help your horse to be balanced through turns, he will be more sure-footed, confident, and able to perform better. …

Horses at the Core

With 109 years of farming, ranching, developing horses and making the Canadian prairies home, history runs deep at the family-run Rocking Heart Ranch (RHR), located near Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta.

But, says Marc Garner of his family’s legacy, “Quite …

Curiosity is the Key

Curiosity is the key to developing a responsive (not a reactive) horse. A curious horse can learn because he is not as scared as a horse that is not curious. A horse that is scared can’t be curious and can’t …

Fit to Ride

In 7 simple steps this article explains how and why riders should check their saddle regularly for their horse’s comfort and performance.