In today’s fast paced world, many equestrians are being drawn back to the concept of developing an all-around horse – one that is willing and able to participate in anything from local horse shows to team penning events, trail rides, …
In autumn, the trails are often muddy and the schooling ring ground frozen. This leaves people looking for an off-season, poor-footing training idea to keep them motivated and develop their horses’ skills. In cases like this, I often suggest riders …
As a judge, I hate to be the “off course” whistle-blower. As a competitor, I hate to hear it. Because I was the “off course queen” as a young rider, I know well that lost-in-the-jungle feeling when you don’t know …
If your horse is difficult to steer, it not only ruins your enjoyment of riding, but can also be dangerous. You can have a horse who steers easily and willingly without pulling into the bridle or running through your leg. …
You’ve been there…you can’t hold your horse back any more. He’s prancing, he’s pushing like a freight train against the bit, and he’s lunging and plunging. But you hold on with incredible determination because you know if you let go …
The Circling Game in Parelli Natural Horse-Man-Ship (PNH) is used to help your horse understand that it is his job to maintain gait, maintain direction, watch where he is going and all the while stay tuned into you as his …