Those of you who like mysteries will get a kick out of this. In a field in Lincoln, Massachusetts, a herd of abandoned rocking horses sit waiting for riders to mount up. Dubbed “Ponyhenge” after the equally mysterious Stonehenge, albeit less ancient, the assorted rocking horses and model horses started appearing in 2010.

According to Mental Floss,  the owners of the field are Jimmy Pingeon and Elizabeth Graver, who also live next door. In a 2015 Boston Globe article, the couple said that the original horse was a leftover prop from a Headless Horseman display they’d created for Halloween. They figured the local children might have fun playing with it, but then another horse appeared, and another. And two decades later there are approximately 30 plastic and wooden horses in the field, as you can see on this YouTube drone video:



The horses in the farmer’s field have an art installation vibe that’s unexpected and whimsical, but also slightly spooky. It’s become a local landmark and tourist attraction. During the Covid pandemic someone even put masks on the horses!

As to who is leaving the other rocking horses, no one knows. And likewise, it’s a mystery as to who is behind the movement of the horses around the field. They’ll be in a Stonehenge-inspired circle one day and spread out randomly on another. Haunting? Or awesome?

Either way, the couple love it. “There was something lovely about it being anonymous, and now every time we go away, another one appears,” they told the Globe.