Fun and Games with Winnie A Giant Lobster Walks Into a Horse Paddock… Winsong had an interesting visitor the other day – a giant, neon lobster! He stopped by to greet the gang and make some new friends. D By Fun and Games with Winnie | December 3, 2018 You're Listening to an article from Horse A Giant Lobster Walks Into a Horse Paddock… news.Winsong had an interesting visitor the other day – a giant, neon lobster! He stopped by to greet the gang and make some new friends. Dora, seen below, was particularly interested in him. She even thought she’d like to take a taste. Dora became a fan of lobster. Latest News Equestrian Sports Withdrawn from BC Summer Games News, Sport The Mystery of the Aga Khan’s Super Horse News, People Shetland Grand National Invades Hong Kong News, Sport Genetic Tools Create Super Polo Ponies Industry, News, Sport Budweiser Ad ‘First Delivery’ is a Charming Hit News More News