Luc and I enjoyed finally riding outside!
After days and days of rain, the sun finally made an appearance just in time for me to have my first ride outside. The rain broke just as I arrived at the barn, and started back up again right after I left. I’d love to say the few bright minutes of sunshine was my reward for surviving the harsh, cold winter we’ve just had, but well I didn’t start riding until the snow was already on it’s way to melting. A decision I made on purpose because I’m kind of a big sissy when it comes to being cold. At least now I have a number of months to psyche myself up for next winter!
My latest ride was short and sweet. If there had been roses out, Luc and I would have definitely stopped to smell them – or more likely at the pace we were going the roses would have finished blooming by the time we ever made it close to them. We spent the 15 minutes I was on ambling around the sand ring at a speed slower than a snail’s. The ground was still quite wet from all the recent rain, but that isn’t why we didn’t do more than sedately walk the entire time.
You see Luc has come down with a cough and a case of the sniffles. We checked his temperature (Luc was thrilled with that!) and other vitals, all of which were normal. After my ride we made sure he still had his appetite – which he showed us was completely in tact when after he finished his regular meal he practically knocked me over to get to the carrots in my pocket. If his cough persists, he’ll get a visit from the friendly neighbourhood vet. And if mine continues, I might have to actually break down and go see a doctor.
You’re going to stick that thermometer where?
Yes, that’s right, I’ve come down with a case of the sympathy sniffles and a cough too. After all, I couldn’t let Luc suffer alone right? So needless to say I wasn’t too disappointed when all we did was walk during our ride. It was still nice to be out in the fresh air and sunshine. Luc clearly wasn’t too disappointed either – I got nickers when I got off!
This first taste of riding outside has made me crave more. I can’t wait for the fields to dry up and Luc and I to experience life outside the confines of a ring. Of course I’ll have to work up to that. Right now there’s something incredibly comforting about the fences surrounding me, a type of security blanket if you will. I tried to rip it away in one fell swoop when I decided it would be a good idea to go for a walk up the driveway.
I didn’t even make it 10 steps before I chickened out and went back to the sand ring. But at least I tried. Next time maybe I’ll make it to the halfway mark. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to what’s to come. If I can conquer my fears, it’s going to be one glorious summer. Bring on the sunshine and the fun!