A new study shows that riding horses is more dangerous than playing football, riding motorcycles or downhill skiing.
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This Wisconsin artist and horse lover wields a mean chainsaw, carving equine heads, turtles and totem poles.
CFIA investigations are underway and movement controls have been placed on the four infected horses and any on-premises contact animals.
This free seminar with Tate Morris, DVM takes horse owners through the colic workup and the questions your vet is seeking to answer.
Besides providing exciting action for spectators, the events are helping raise funds for rural Ontario communities.
The well-known actress and animal rights activist saw her TV ad calling for a carriage ban pulled down for being "too graphic."
The latest group of this endangered equid will be set free in Xinjiang and bring the total number of the herd to 292 horses.
While we suspect horse people will not have to be reminded, ivermectin is not a cure for Covid-19 and can cause serious health risks.
Koli Equestrian Center, which offers relaxing trail rides during the year, will be hosting special undead Halloween events.
These charming collectible horse-and-jockey cork stoppers come in a set of 8 ‒ and the bourbon is pretty decent, too!