Do horses understand pointing, or trust the person who is pointing knows? A new study investigates horse/human communication.
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Las Escaramuzas Charra Alteza feature preteens performing sidesaddle in traditional Mexican garb to honour female soldiers.
Paul Schockemöhle is footing the bill for 80 women and children to stay in a hotel near his German stud farm.
From outdated learning theories to unneeded gadgets to over-exuberant neck slapping, here are some things your horse would like you to stop.
WSPS and Equine Guelph have developed safety programs for youth through interactive EquiMania! activities and courses.
Dr. Thomas Koch and his team at the OVC are taking the next step in regenerative therapies and hopefully even better outcomes.
The Class of 2022 were honoured for their contributions, paving the future for horsewomen in the Western industry.
Local artists are ready to set their talents loose on 85 life-size fiberglass horses to help support arts programs.
The twice-cancelled pony swim returns for its 97th year on July 27th, along with an auction and family festivities.
An extraordinarily adventurous couple trekked 12,000 kilometres across some unforgiving terrain, and lived to write about it.