With winter comes ice and with ice comes horses and livestock falling through it on farms. Here is one tale with a happy ending.
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The actor and wife Kyra Sedgwick live with a menagerie of amazing animals on their farm in Connecticut and post some super Insta videos.
In February, two online short courses will be offered by Equine Guelph on TheHorsePortal addressing colic and ulcer prevention.
Certified bit-fitter Tammy Levasseur discusses why proper bit and bridle fit is so crucial, and explains the new rein contact technology.
Just a handful of foals of this endangered species of wild horse have been born in North America over the past year.
The daughter of tennis legend Serena Williams and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian has already caught the pint-size horse bug.
From massage therapy to pulsed electromagnetic field therapy to physio taping for aching muscles, your horse will thank you.
Based on true events, Amber Zierath's fresh new book is written from the point of view of her daughter's horse, Karma.
The Dartmoor Society in the UK has 'ponied up' for breeders of this rare native equine to help boost the dwindling numbers.
Bitless bridles have been shown to solve behavioural issues such as head shaking, bridle lameness, napping, rearing, and anxiety.