Canadian show jumping rider Wesley Newlands of Toronto, ON, has purchased Evita van de Veldbalie, a 2004 bay Belgian Warmblood mare (Wandor vd Mispelaere x Clinton).
Under the ownership of Stephex Stables of Belgium, Evita van de Veldbalie competed at …
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In the management of horse health, injuries and disease, conscientious horse owners would never put their horse at risk; however, improper use of some commonly administered equine drugs can impact the health and safety of our horses more than we …
Northlands hosted the 41st annual Canadian Finals Rodeo from November 5-9 at Rexall Place and Farmfair International at the Edmonton EXPO Centre from November 4-9. Two of Edmonton’s largest annual events spurred western excitement throughout the Northlands grounds and entire …
The capacity crowd in the Ricoh Coliseum was treated to a thrilling display of sport tonight, between the final rounds of the Greenhawk Canadian Show Jumping Championships and Horseware Indoor Eventing. The energy was palpable and the competition fierce.
Records …
The 92nd Royal Horse Show opened tonight at the Ricoh Coliseum in Toronto, and the packed house was treated a full slate of equestrian excitement. From the rocking excitement of Horseware Indoor Eventing and the Shetland Pony Grand National races, …
The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair has introduced a new hands-on educational program that will help Girl Guides learn more about horses during an evening of special programming.
The Royal has partnered with the Ontario Equestrian Federation (OEF) and Equine Guelph …
The Horse Publications Group is proud to announce that Liz Brown has won an OEF Media Award for her article “Free Spirits,” which appeared in the March/April 2014 issue of Horse-Canada magazine. The article looked at the remaining wild herds …
There’s nothing more satisfying for an owner and trainer than to spot the potential in a young horse, and develop it all the way to the winner’s circle. That’s not an easy task in the western horse world, especially when …
The College of Veterinarians of Ontario welcomes three new Council members as a result of the election held on October 7, 2014.
Elections were held in three electoral districts which include the communities of Bruce, Dufferin, Grey, Huron and Simcoe; …