The young teen with a feathered mustache shuffled over to me, his eyes slightly down cast as he tried to shove the lead rope in my hands. Reflexively, I sighed and waved him off. I’d already ridden 100 kilometres today …
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This article explores whether horses experience the feeling of jealousy towards a rival who may threaten the bond they share with their human owner.
Studies show the more fun you make exercise, the better choices you make relative to nutrition and the better results you will feel and experience overall.
In previous articles, we have discussed many ways in which you can influence your horse’s mind. This time, we will talk about the physical aspects of manoeuvring your horse’s body in order to achieve an even greater level of balance, …
Horses of all disciplines and levels of training can benefit from stretching their necks and backs as a regular part of their training.
In this article, Lindsay Grice offers advice for teaching your horse how to cross poles with proper technique and timing.
The biggest factor in water temperature will likely be your facilities and management, a heated water bucket is sufficient inside.
A warm bran mash can give the horse some momentary warmth and some additional fibre and may also be a way to sneak in some additional salt.
When horses digest forage it generates heat. Find out how much you need to feed to keep your horse warm during the cold winter months.
Many horse owners can point to a tendon on their horses’ legs, but aren’t quite sure what it is. In anatomical terms, a tendon is a connective cord made of collagen that joins a muscle to a bone. A ligament …