A Wyoming long-term care facility receives regular visits from the adorable Norman and Star, to the delight of residents.
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To lower the number of fatal pony-vehicle crashes on local roads, strategically-placed salt licks are helping keep them safe.
When a horse at her barn refused to load on the trailer, 16-year-old Kalyna Fedorowycz jumped on board to save him from the wildfires.
Horses, who can traverse areas unreachable by vehicles, are being put to work looking for lost souls in South Carolina.
A long-used, popular equestrian trail in Burnaby is in danger of being paved over now that cyclists have been granted access.
The University of Guelph student earned the award established in memory of Standardbred driver Roger L’Heureux.
Veteran driver Bill Megens of Guelph is still racing – and winning – on the Standardbred circuit at 91 years old.
The US Horse of the Year became racing's darling in part because of his bond with Cody Dorman; his first foal is on the ground.
The California community has pitched in for the animals with money donations, feed, supplies and volunteers on the ground.
How how horses are prepared for racing’s premier events, such as the Virginia Derby and Kentucky Derby.