Once thought of by many as being “a bit out there,” some holistic modalities are now recognized as valuable adjuncts to conventional back pain treatments, even among veterinarians. Three of the most popular – massage therapy, chiropractic adjustment and acupuncture – are widely believed to be able to help many horses get relief from back problems, and they may thus be worth considering if your horse is dealing with such issues.


When we think of massage, most of us probably envision a general process of rubbing and kneading designed to loosen up tight muscles. Modern equine massage therapists, however, often apply a number of different techniques when it comes to treating back pain in horses, and some will, therefore, refer to what they do as “bodywork,” which is a more comprehensive term than “massage.” As Lexi Jones, a bodyworker with Fluidity Equine Therapy in Abbotsford, B.C., explained, “It is incredibly valuable to have a variety of bodywork options in your treatment arsenal, as the equine back contains many different kinds of tissue, and every approach has its own strengths addressing specific tissue problems.

“To treat back pain, I typically start with myofascial massage, which increases blood flow, stimulates the fascia (the connecting tissue of the entire body), and enhances oxygenation of the muscles, which, in turn, helps restore range of motion. This is sometimes accompanied by deep tissue massage and acupressure, depending on the case. Deep tissue massage stimulates blood flow and oxygenation, releases and relaxes muscles, and helps muscles return to their normal shape and function, while acupressure releases muscle tension and can assist in reprogramming muscle memory.”
