
Game 5: The Circling Game

The Circling Game in Parelli Natural Horse-Man-Ship (PNH) is used to help your horse understand that it is his job to maintain gait, maintain direction, watch where he is going and all the while stay tuned into you as his …

Game 4: The Yo-Yo Game

The Yo-Yo Game is the fourth of the Seven Games. Games #1 (Friendly), #2 (Porcupine) and #3 (Driving) are called the “principle games”.

Game 3: The Driving Game

The Driving Game teaches your horse how to yield from a “suggestion” with no physical touching involved. In the beginning, driving is done at a reasonably close range, but as you progress, you can actually drive (or suggest) from quite …

Game 1: The Friendly Game

The Friendly Game is number one of Seven Games because nothing beats a good first impression. When you want to meet someone, how would you approach them?
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Ride With Flair and Finesse (part 4 of 4)

Anyone at the competitive edge, English or Western, is seeking that feel of the horse being an extension of their mind.  The truth, though, is that very, very few achieve it. When you see dressage at its finest, or reining, …

How to Find a Jumping Distance

If you struggle to find the right “spot” or “distance” to a jump, the problem may be with your eye, but is more likely with your canter rhythm. Follow these tips and you will develop more consistency in your jumping …

Using Mat Work to Improve Trailer Loading

Spring is here and thoughts are turning to horse shows and trail rides. This usually means we need to get our horse into a trailer, and so, in this article, we will look at how to use clicker  training to …

Slow Down the Rushing Horse

Riding a horse that jigs on the trail, rushes his fences, or canters like a freight train, is not fun for the horse or rider. It damages your confidence and can be dangerous for both of you. A rushing horse …

Reconsidering the Round Pen

Don’t be fooled, it’s not a magical space. The round pen is a training aid that should be used with caution, experience and understanding.