If you want to create a lively debate in the equestrian community, bring up the subject of treeless saddles. There are two main camps: those in favour who will not ride in anything else; and those that think they are unhealthy for a horse’s back.

Hazel McMillian from Campbellford, Ontario, began riding in a custom Bob Marshall treeless saddle this summer. “I’m super in love! I have some joint issues which prompted me to look for a lightweight saddle. It fits both myself and my horse perfectly with no signs of soreness at all.”

A Barefoot Wellington treeless dressage saddle (approx. $1330 USD)

Vanessa Beach, a certified massage therapist and equine practitioner in Uxbridge, Ontario, cautions, “We have trees for a reason, to keep our weight from a horse’s spine. Having a rider’s weight directly on a horse’s back for a lengthy amount of time can cause soreness and back problems. The same can be said of a poorly-fitting treed saddle.”
