The development of Christilot Boylen’s competitive career is synonymous with the development of competitive dressage in Canada over the past 50 years. As much as she is an integral part of Canadian dressage history, Boylen continues to be a driving force in the sport today. And as an active competitor, trainer, coach and mentor, she will continue to influence the equestrian industry well into the future.

The daughter of well-known Canadian dancer Willi Blok-Hanson, Boylen (née Hanson) was born in Indonesia in 1947 and moved to Toronto in 1951. Even as a very young child, she was fascinated by horses and recalls telling her mother at the age of three that she wanted to ride.

“It took me until I was ten to convince my parents that I was serious about horses,” Boylen laughs. “I was able to start at that age with the Toronto and North York Pony Club and I lived for every weekend and our pony club meeting. My great luck was to have joined this club at a time when it was blessed with an amazing number of top-class horsemen and women who shared their knowledge with us, including Jimmy Elder, Sandra Silcox, Tommy Gayford, Major Anatole Pieregorodski, Colonel Michael Gutowski, Bob Hollingsworth, Dr. Jack Chassels, and Dick Day. Jimmy Day was a fellow member of the club with me, so it was a great time to be a pony clubber.”
