The Responsibility Circle

The last article in this series is called the Responsibility Circle. This is a great exercise to help any type of horse gain more focus and responsibility.

Can Horses Choke?

Choke in horses refers to an esophageal obstruction. While this condition is considered an emergency, it’s not immediately life-threatening.

Colitis Kills

An inflammation of the large colon, colitis in horses can be life-threatening. One of the earliest signs is diarrhea, combined with a fever.

The Three Amigos

Ivan, now 62, was the first of the three to start at Whitemud. Having loved horses since he was a child growing up in the Ukraine, he always wanted to ride.

10 Facts About Twitches

Some consider twitching cruel, but if used correctly twitches are a humane form of restraint. Read this article to learn more about the twitch.

Bridle Fitting Basics

It isn’t too often you see a horse ridden without a bridle. All those straps, parts and pieces serve practical functions for the horse and rider.