Spring is one of my favourite seasons of horse life. With each long hair that sheds, with each happy ride completed, the world comes into slow and steady balance and my heart fills a little more. Hand grazing as the sun sets, jotting down the small, but steady accomplishments in my journal, fun photos of healthy shiny horses – all these things sustain me through the sticky summer heat and cold labour of winter.

It’s a time of reflection and goal setting, looking forward and backward, and assessing how I am doing at being the best me possible. I focus on the possible, not the impossible, what I can do, not what I cannot. I appreciate that I am the one who controls the way I feel; that my feelings shouldn’t control me.

I balance externally driven goals and those that are just for me. I work out outcome goals (riding on a beach anyone?) and determine the process goals that will allow me to achieve what I want (finding a beach, or trailering manners, for example).
