A fragile, undernourished abandoned foal finds a forever home and becomes an equine soulmate and dressage partner for his caring owner.
Found 7 Results from Andrea Harrison
When the thoroughbred mare Clever Peaks was in danger of getting lost in the system, artist Linda Shantz stepped in to save her.
MUD: It’s a survival game of the highest order and the bane of every horse owner's existence. You can fight it, accept it, or sit in a puddle and wail.
Despite all the mud and shedding hair (!) spring is a time of reflection, goal-setting and renewed motivation for horse owners.
Horses face enormous changes over their lives and Andrea Harrison is filled with admiration and gratitude for the way they accept it.
Andrea Harrison (aka the Inadvertent Rescuer) shares a story about a horse that went from merely surviving to thriving, and the courage it took.
How Andrea Harrison, aka the Inadvertent Rescuer, discovered Mr. Neurotic, her “heart horse,” in Horse Canada magazine’s new Back Page series.