Learn how to recognize the symptoms and protect your horse, plus what researchers are doing to help identify and prevent diseases stemming from ticks.
If something doesn't seem quite right about your horse, here are some suggestions on how to perform a basic lameness assessment.
A massage has many benefits. It warms up and relaxes stiff muscles, improves movement and balance, improves circulation, and more.
Is your horse healthy? A veterinarian can determine a horse's health status, but there are indicators of health an owner can check before calling a vet.
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response to infection, which can affect the prognosis of horses in emergency situations.
In this article researchers at the University of Montreal study the effect of heaves on smooth muscle surrounding horses’ airways.
Now though, thanks to equine veterinary simulators students can learn to hone their craft prior to rehearsing with live horses.
Colic is the number-one medical cause of death in horses and it is almost entirely preventable through management practices and keen observation.
In this article veterinarian Dr. Ashley Whitehead prepares horse owners for an emergency or referral visit to an equine hospital.
The ability to interpret vital signs plays a key role in knowing whether to monitor the horse on your own or to call the vet immediately in an emergency.
Spurred by the human genome project – the plan to map the entire human genome – these scientists hoped to do the same thing for the horse.
Discover the therapeutic uses of a laser, and how this technology is leading to incredible breakthroughs in equine medicine.
Vital Signs
Never wait until an emergency strikes to learn to take vital signs. You should know what your horse’s normal resting heart rate, breaths per minute and body temperature are. This is called TPR (temperature, pulse and respiration) and …
A horse sporting a swollen leg? What is causing it? As big and strong as horses are, their legs are quite sensitive and subject to a variety of problems.
Transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes, the viruses can cause encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain, impacting the central nervous system.