Greetings from the Herd:

All our friends are doing well and happy to be enjoying longer days outside. Many of them are celebrating the warmer weather by rolling as much as possible, while others are taking the chance to nap in the sun. While they are enjoying the time to just be horses, they miss the attention from volunteers and will be happy to return to work. Be well!

~ Scot Stewart, Stable Manager

At CARD, we bed our stalls with shavings, for the horses’ comfort and hygiene.
Shavings are the equine equivalent of toilet paper, and we know how highly that is valued these days!

Fortunately, because we also have a padded floor in each stall, we can use less bedding– but this makes what we do use even more important!

The shavings absorb liquid waste, keeping it away from hooves and coats, and decreasing harmful airborne fumes like ammonia.

Without sufficient shavings in the stalls:

  • Horses stand in their urine, compromising the health of their hoof structures
  • The urine can/will evaporate into the air thereby creating lung-damaging fumes.

Shavings are an essential product in the horses daily care regime, to ensure optimal health and comfort for our amazing herd!

Will you join me in supplementing the CARD Shavings fund to help keep our horses healthy, happy and comfortable? Any amount towards CARD’s therapy horses will help.

Just click on the link below and donate through Canada Helps secured payment system
If you prefer, you may donate via e-transfer directly to

Thank you for your consideration. The horses at CARD thank you.

Donate Now to the CARD Herd.