Just in time to kick start the upcoming Equine Industry Symposium hosted by the University of Guelph on October 27, 2018, a new discussion group has started on theHorsePortal.ca website. In response to one of the suggestions that arose from the second Equine Industry Symposium held last February, the organizing committee has created this discussion group as a platform for anyone to share resources and knowledge, network, collaborate, identify common issues, discuss common solutions, and promote actions based on evidence and professionalism. Discussion topics revolve around the six key themes that emerged from the first Equine Industry Symposium held in November 2016:

  • Marketing – how can we promote our industry as a viable profession?
  • Education vs employment – what challenges do we face in finding skilled employees?
  • Industry standards – does our industry have standards? Do we need standards?
  • Joining forces – can we gain some common ground with others through our connection with the horse?
  • Youth involvement – how do we attract and retain youth in our aging industry?
  • Industry research – what research is needed to push our industry forward?

Registration to the Equine Industry Symposium discussion on theHorsePortal.ca is free. Simply go to thehorseportal.ca/course/eis, click on register, and use the coupon code EISforum2018 for your free registration. Then start participating in the discussion and let’s see where we can take our industry!

Don’t forget to register for the Equine Industry Symposium happening on October 27, 2018 here.
