In BC, a mare that had been rescued after being discovered abandoned and in poor condition near a logging road has given birth to a filly foal.
According to the BC SPCA, the mare is “now a happy, healthy new mom.” The horse, now named Spirit, was rescued by conservation officers who found her “obviously pregnant” with lesions, hives and welts over her body to the point that some of her skin was raw. A foster home was found locally and Spirit received the necessary veterinary care.
“It was apparent that whatever treatment Spirit had been receiving was not sufficient,” Christy King, the BC SPCA’s interim program manager for farm and equine animal care services, said in a statement. “Once the appropriate topical medication and oral antibiotics were prescribed and given regularly it was amazing how quickly her skin started to clear up. She is looking so much healthier now. It did not hurt that she was being fed and watered regularly and she was able to rest comfortably.”
The SPCA searched for and found the mare’s owner, who wisely surrendered Spirit to the SPCA.
The foster caregiver has named the foal Journey, in honour of the journey her mom had before coming into their care. In other good news, Spirit’s foster has decided to adopt her. Little Journey will be available for adoption once she is weaned, which won’t be for several months.
Watch Journey’s first steps here: