Here is Zelador picking up the first letter in “cone”. He’ll carry it to a pedestal. Eventually he’ll bring all four letters (and most likely the cone itself) to the pedestal, placing the letters side by side like they are on the bench.

However, during every day that has decent weather we’re not anywhere near the arena. There’s an area out back (probably four or five acres) with a hill. It was for cattle decades ago so there are no trees. I created trails through the tall grass. I’ve been mowing them in anticipation of riding Zelador and Zeloso on them for seven years! Now the boys are mature enough to trust.

Phil and Ed Metherall (they’re almost as old as I am) created a bridge out back. It’s a few weeks old and I’m very happy to say that it’s getting lots of use. And, with any luck, today we’ll add a weather-tolerant pedestal to this new play area. Phil plans to stop off at the tire place on highway 27 on his way to our farm. He’ll hook up the bush hog to the tractor, mow a spot between the bridge and three barrels (eventually we’ll be doing a clover leaf pattern between them at the canter, complete with flying changes) and we’ll place the tire there. We’re planning on using dirt and screening to fill the tire. The dirt will come from a spot that will be formed into a ditch for the horses to walk over.

I’ll see if we can get some photos!

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