Found 26 Results from Blogs

A friend sent me this video “Meet America’s Most Wanted Thoroughbred”.
It was so refreshing to see someone doing the things we do with our horses!
The video of the winner’s freestyle appears way down on the page …
Since 2009 Kimberly Garvis has come to Winsong Farm to present Working Equitation Clinics. We now have a permanent outdoor obstacle course. We also have matching obstacles that we can set up in the indoor arena.
Working Equitation attracted me …
I’m using the ‘A’ on the wall made out of chalk and the ‘A’ I printed in Magic Marker on the light green box. Every horse went to the box or the wall when asked. I’m still positioning myself relatively …
. When I look at that left hind hoof with perhaps a smidgeon of the toe on the ground…most of Zeloso’s weight is being carried by the RIGHT hind. Or, perhaps, his weight (like his body) is lifting upwards and …
They say the early bird gets the worm – or in my case, the entire arena to myself. This week I was at the barn bright and early for my ride (sorry barn owners!). The sun was just stating to …
There are many subtle nuances within a well developed horse and rider partnership. I can recognize when time and patience has been of value when the reins maintain a soft, light connection between horse and rider. Every rider takes responsibility …
There are many opinions and theories on saddle fitting. Occasionally, we have even heard riders say “I have been using my saddle for x number of years. It fits me perfectly and fits every horse I use.” I have to …
Loose Lower LegA solid lower leg is the foundation for the rest of your position, and a leg that swings in the air doesn’t offer a quality base of support for the rest of the rider’s aids. To discover …