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Antelopes into Horses or Horses into Antelopes?

Everything about this book sings – the cover photography and layout by Robert Overholtzer, its authors, Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson, and cleverly named too: Animals Make Us Human. The prose is sharp, spare, to the point and a …

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Amazing, Fantastic, Fun!

Those are all the words I would use to describe this week’s ride. Luc was absolutely amazing! There was a lot going on – new dogs (a lot of barking ensued), school horses coming in and out (the lesson program …

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Warning: Humour Ahead

Warning: this post may contain elements of humour. Humour is a tool; it can be used to diffuse a tense situation, insight perspective, or simply distract from an awkward or difficult situation.

I love a good laugh! Especially at my …

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The Reins as a Line of Communication

There are many subtle nuances within a well developed horse and rider partnership.  I can recognize when time and patience has been of value when the reins maintain a soft, light connection  between horse and rider. Every rider takes responsibility …

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Striving to Get Outside and Follow the Classical Path

There are some days I feel like a prehistoric dinosaur, recalling events that happened before people I’m interviewing – or teaching – were even born. More recently I realized that although I write a weekly newspaper column about wildlife and …

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The Almighty Thoroughbred

I am a coach, trainer, and all around horse enthusiast. I long ago vowed allegiance to the “Church of the Horse” and I can say with absolute certainly that the Horse Gods of the Universe have, in their infinite wisdom, …

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Dressage Day

Despite the fact that it was even colder and snowier than last week, I was determined to ride. It’s strange how much I miss it after skipping just one week when I went years without putting a foot in the …

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“U” Part Three

As promised, I will have the after leading video in here for you to compare with the before one from an earlier blog. I hope you can see the start of the change in enthusiasm and energy being put forth …

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The Hay-Burner Express is Headed to Mongolia

In the last few weeks I’ve received a financial windfall that’s lifted a heavy weight of stress off my shoulders and re-energized my pursuit of this crazy race. As you know, the Mongol Derby is an expensive endeavour for the …

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Aches, Pains and Sobering Thoughts

As weeks go the last one pretty much rated on minus Brownie points. The Alberta wild horse cull (try watching a few YouTube videos of wildies being run down and roped), the sale itself – with distraught herd members being …

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What to Look for in an Equestrian Property

Finding that perfect horse farm you’ve always wanted can seem a little overwhelming. With countless aspects to consider, from the type of fencing to the kind of weather an area receives, where do you start?

Begin your search with a …

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Snow Day!

This week I opted not to ride again, as sad as that is. It was frigid. Again. But what really stopped me was the snow. It was coming down fast and heavy and I didn’t really want to get stranded …

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Coaching Conference Contemplations

It’s cold, it’s dark and there’s absolutely zero incentive to trudge the few hundred feet to the sanctity of the arena. The horses are too cold to do their jobs properly and so are the riders, and if truth be …