This article will address the protocol for refeeding a starved horse, as well as feeding a horse that is merely thin, in order to help it put on weight.
Found 73 Results from Shannon Pratt-Phillips
A horse in heavy work requires additional energy and nutrients. Check out three diets that will ensure your horse gets what he needs.
Horses coming into work for the season, or for the first time, will start with light exercise and eventually get into moderate, heavy or intense work.
Disruptions to the microbial population can lead to a variety of ailments. While researchers work to understand this largely uncharted territory, you can help keep your horse in good health by feeding a carefully balanced diet.
As herbivores, horses consume …
The first step in any investigation into hoof health, is to take a close look at your horse's diet, this can be done with the help of a nutritionist
Q – I have a young horse I’m looking to start into work. What should I be feeding him?
A – By the time you’re starting to get your youngster into work, the majority of his growth should be behind …
Q – How exactly does eating hay keep my horse warm in the winter?
A – Eating hay provides two ways to help your horse stay warm. The first is simply through providing calories (energy), which can be used in …
Hay is the staple of many horses' diets, particularly when pasture is not available due to season or housing limitations. Learn more about the choices.
Most people are likely aware that electrolytes help stave off dehydration. But, do you know how they work, or how to make sure your horse is getting enough?
Antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are produced by many chemical reactions in the body,particularly during exercise.