The ball is hit with a resounding thwack! and eight players, mallets held high in the air, turn their horses in unison and gallop down the pitch towards the ball which has settled in the short-cropped grass in the middle …
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Vital Signs
Never wait until an emergency strikes to learn to take vital signs. You should know what your horse’s normal resting heart rate, breaths per minute and body temperature are. This is called TPR (temperature, pulse and respiration) and …
A horse sporting a swollen leg? What is causing it? As big and strong as horses are, their legs are quite sensitive and subject to a variety of problems.
Transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes, the viruses can cause encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain, impacting the central nervous system.
A horse in heavy work requires additional energy and nutrients. Check out three diets that will ensure your horse gets what he needs.
This article will provide readers with some valuable information to help perform both intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.
Whether you ride for pleasure or in competition, English or western, in speed classes or judged events, in the arena or on the trail, you have to ride corners, circles or turns. Wide turns or tight turns, the elements that …
Over the past few weeks I hope you – and your horse – have had plenty of ‘thinking time’ and the opportunity to work on establishing the trust that is essential to a building a strong foundation in your training.…
The term biosecurity refers to management practices designed to reduce the chance of infectious disease transmission on your farm.
In this article readers can get a better understanding of how to develop an effective deworming program and avoid drug resistance.