Before you hit the trails with a gang of friends for the first time, make sure you and your horse are mentally and physically prepared.
Found 77 Results from Anne Gage
Don't be discouraged if he's 'just not that into you' at first; it can take months to settle in and get comfortable in a new home.
From outdated learning theories to unneeded gadgets to over-exuberant neck slapping, here are some things your horse would like you to stop.
Understanding about what humans consider to be unwanted behaviours that are actually natural behaviours for horses.
Facial expressions, body language and posture all have meanings; horse owners should learn to recognize them and what they might indicate.
To build a positive partnership and increase your horse’s trust in you, systematic desensitization is the way to go.
Being overwhelmed leaves you both unable to cope with a situation as emotions or instincts start running the show. Here's how to prevent that.
Visualisation allows you to run through skills or situations multiple times in your mind to build confidence and avoid drilling your horse.
The Horse Riding Confidence Coach identifies three common rider position errors and provides solutions to correct each of them.
How you feel mentally affects the results you’ll have when you’re in the saddle - mindset is the magic ingredient for successful, happy riders.