You approach your horse’s stall or paddock, only to be greeted by flattened ears, flared nostrils and a swishing tail, even threats to charge, bite or kick you or other horses around him. This aggressive body language is clearly threatening …
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In this article humour columnist Doug Breen pokes fun at the parents who see horse camp as nothing more than daycare for tweens.
In this article Shawn Hamilton explains the trailer ride that she'll never forget and soon to be a trailer ride reads won't forget.
In this article readers can be inspired by Mac Makenny’s devotion to life on his ranch and the horses who call it home, and how his knowledge is shared.
At some point, your horse is going to leave home and travel. It may be to a clinic, out for a trail ride, to a new home or for a check-up, but eventually you and your equine partner will likely …
Injuries to tendons and ligaments are common and are the leading cause of loss of use in horses, whether competition mounts or pleasure companions.
Dr. Colleen Dickie is an associate in the large animal department of the Charlottetown Veterinary Clinic in Prince Edward Island. The Windsor, Nova Scotia-native joined the clinic in 2005 right after graduating from UPEI’s Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC).
Although Dickie …
This article highlights some of the tools needed from the basics to the professional tools your farrier or trimmer will use for adequate hoof care.
Hoof health is multi-factorial; it depends on good farrier care, a healthy environment and proper nutrition. This article delves deeper into what that means
During the second day of competition at CPEDI3* Global Dressage Festival I presented by Adequan, Robyn Andrews secured a win for Canada in the Grade Ia Individual Championship test. The competition is being held at The Stadium at Palm Beach …