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Would you enjoy listening to the countless harmonies and tones of birdsong from your fields and around your house? The sound is complex, beautiful and incredibly relaxing. Happily, this and many other perks of nature can be created on your …
If you struggle to find the right “spot” or “distance” to a jump, the problem may be with your eye, but is more likely with your canter rhythm. Follow these tips and you will develop more consistency in your jumping …
Spring is here and thoughts are turning to horse shows and trail rides. This usually means we need to get our horse into a trailer, and so, in this article, we will look at how to use clicker training to …
Riding a horse that jigs on the trail, rushes his fences, or canters like a freight train, is not fun for the horse or rider. It damages your confidence and can be dangerous for both of you. A rushing horse …