The troubled US singer, who is divorcing from her third husband, posted on Instagram suggesting that she was in the market for a horse.
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Republican Texas lawyer Walter Clapp is taking a run at the White House ‒ driving a pair of horses in an Amish wagon.
A Swedish rider became the first Scandinavian to win the world’s toughest horse race; Canadian Lexi Perry fights to the finish line.
Horse behaviour consultant Dr. Robin Foster answers questions about identifying a horse's emotional state ‒ and what to do to improve it.
Following a tragic barn fire in Georgia where 26 horses perished, a young student pitched in to help raise money.
A Texas resident who was determined to ride 2,300 miles from Austin to Seattle on horseback has (thankfully) wrapped up the trip early.
Plenty of adults 'of a certain age' are rediscovering riding. Here are some tips to ease yourself back into the saddle.
It is hoped that the same unspoken human-horse communication that builds a sense of trust can be instilled in human-robot interactions.
As the contentious battle to protect wild horses in the US west continues, one group is suing the BLM to halt its roundups.
The sexual, provocative and even disturbing German film about a woman who is becoming a horse is certainly not for everyone.