On a chilly but sunny day in early May, Liz Brown headed out to Lee Jackson's farm in St. Anns, Ontario to try barrel racing.
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This article features several veterans and highlights how horses gave them and countless other contemporary Canadian veterans a voice.
A correct spin is essentially a horse walking his forehand around his haunches – body parts aligned fairly straight and a slight bend.
An exercise I like to use to for improving focus, straightness and rating speed is called Post to Post. Compared to some of the other exercises in this series, it may seem fairly simple. It offers many benefits for both …
Equine metabolic syndrome is a disorder of the endocrine system concerning to horse owners because of its association with recurrent or chronic laminitis.
Bare spots in a pasture are normal to a degree, but too many large bare areas could be a sign that your pasture may be in need of reseeding.
If you don’t do a hay analysis, the hay quality could be off and your horse’s diet could be lacking something very important.
Horses lose fluids through sweat three times faster than humans, and they lose electrolytes 10 times faster, read this article to learn more.
The Canadian National Exhibition’s interactive HorseCapades program has been introducing people to the magical world of horses for more than a decade. Each summer, the CNE kicks off its programming with a FREE educational initiative that invites visitors of all …
Barging behaviour is sometimes about space – whoever owns the space and can move another horse out of that space determines the herd hierarchy.