The Lightness of Being

In previous articles, we have discussed many ways in which you can influence your horse’s mind. This time, we will talk about the physical aspects of manoeuvring your horse’s body in order to achieve an even greater level of balance, …

Preventing Spooks with Steve Rother

A horse’s focus can shift in a heartbeat – transforming him from a willing, on-task partner to one who is concerned only with self-preservation. At times, his flight instinct can override his training. The moment your horse becomes scared or …

Harness Your Horse’s Mind

In this article, we will be talking about how you can influence your horse to choose the thinking part of his brain, rather than the reactive side, when faced with everyday decisions. The mind of the horse is very powerful, …

Creating the Will to Try with Steve Rother

Have you ever experienced the feeling of your horse shutting down or freezing up on you during a ride? Picture yourself riding along on a nice quiet trail, when, all of a sudden, your horse is completely consumed by the …

Thinking Outside the Box with Steve Rother

In today’s fast paced world, many equestrians are being drawn back to the concept of developing an all-around horse – one that is willing and able to participate in anything from local horse shows to team penning events, trail rides, …