Found 26 Results from Liz Brown
It was 6:00 a.m. when my alarm shrieked and I rose, bleary eyed, glancing at the weather report on my iPhone. It was only four degrees, but the day promised to be sunny and reach a high of 15 – …
It was a “mid-life crisis” that drove Lindsey Partridge to enter the Thoroughbred Makeover competition early last year.
“Okay, it was an early mid-life crisis,” the now 30-year-old admits. “I was going to be turning 30 and I felt like …
The young teen with a feathered mustache shuffled over to me, his eyes slightly down cast as he tried to shove the lead rope in my hands. Reflexively, I sighed and waved him off. I’d already ridden 100 kilometres today …
I hadn’t given much thought to the equestrian sport of endurance riding until I decided to enter the Mongol Derby – a 1,000-kilometre horse race across Mongolia where riders change mounts every 40km. I’m a recreational English rider – I …