Found 13 Results from Antonia Henderson

A grey Andalusian stallion gallops at liberty across the Cavalia stage, comes to a sliding stop in front of his handler and dances with her in a breathtaking choreographed sequence. A grand prix dressage horse seems to skip effortlessly through …

Allowing horses to live naturally in stable social groups is the panacea for a litany of equine ailments. It improves fitness, all but eliminates colic, cures ulcers and reduces or eliminates cribbing, weaving and other stereotypies associated with compromised psychological …

Do horses experience love and have friendships? If so, do they experience the loss of those as we do and is their bereavement as enduring or debilitating? If so, how can we help them?
A draft horse refuses to work …

Equine Guelph and the University of Guelph would really like to know how you stay up to date on the latest equine research news. Together, they are conducting a study on the awareness of current research among members of Ontario’s …