To shift your horse closer to a gate, along a pole or away from the horse giving off bad vibes beside you in the class line-up, you’ll need to teach him to side pass.

What’s a side pass?

Most equine associations agree: the horse should step across and in front with the front and hind legs in unison when performing the side pass. The horse’s body stays straight while moving laterally in the specified direction.

Why side pass?

I use the side pass, as the most basic step in introducing the concept of lateral movement. Trainers of some disciplines may disagree, citing the tradition of preserving forward movement. But I’ll stand by my view, based on what we know from the science of equine learning: 1. Build a skill with the simplest concepts first; 2. Teach one response per signal – i.e. don’t combine cues such as sideways and forward. Keep signals separate and distinct.
