Let me start by saying whether or not you will be successful with your horse doesn’t depend on how long you’ve been around horses. Horses do not read résumés. What horses do look for is whether you are a Confident, Consistent and Kind Leader to whom they can give their Trust, Obedience and Respect.

This simple concept is the foundation for absolutely everything I do with horses. Each letter in the formula (CCKL = TOR) is essential, because if you don’t demonstrate all of the behaviours on the left of the equation (Confidence, Consistency, Kindness, Leadership), your horse will not demonstrate the behaviours on the right (Trust, Obedience, Respect).

Many horse owners believe success with their horse depends on having the horse’s respect. But they forget that before you can gain respect, you must build a relationship through confident, consistent and kind treatment that establishes trust and shows you to be the sort of leader your horse wants to follow. Your horse will then demonstrate the respect you seek by yielding and moving out of your space and by paying attention to your requests.
