To introduce neck reining, start off riding your horse two-handed, with one rein in each hand. Even though the goal of neck reining is to ride with both reins in one hand, the initial training doesn’t start that way.

The first exercise I would suggest begins with riding a square pattern. At the walk, you’re going to ride straight forward for about 10 metres and then make a 90-degree turn to the left, ride forward another 10 metres, followed by another 90-degree turn to the left, and just keep repeating this. You’re only going to work one direction in the beginning.

To make the turns, you will pull lightly on the inside rein (the left rein, in this case) and then lay the outside rein (the right rein, in this case) against the right side of the horse’s neck at the same time. Once the horse completes the turn, take the pressure off of both reins until you ask your horse to turn again. The exercise should be very easy at this point because your horse will turn from the pull on the left rein. Laying the right rein against his neck introduces the idea of neck reining. Repeat the square several times turning to the left and give your horse little breaks when he’s doing a good job. Once he is doing well, change direction. To turn right, pull lightly on the right rein and lay the left rein against the left side of your horse’s neck.
