Any time is a good time to learn how to boost your horse’s fitness. Perhaps you’ve just completed your final competition of the season, and are planning for the next. Maybe you’re embarking on a new relationship with a new or young horse. Some of you may even be facing injury rehabilitation over the coming months. Regardless of where your involvement with horses takes you, a working knowledge of how to assess, monitor and develop your horse’s strength and fitness will improve your relationship with him.

When designing a conditioning program for your horse, it is important to be realistic about: a) your horse’s age, breed and fitness/injury rehab requirements; b) the type and level of sport you wish to compete in; and c) your own fitness and time commitment. From this information, you can start to build a picture of what next season looks like and what your goals will be.

Vital Information

Before beginning a fitness program, every rider should know how to take their horse’s heart rate and check hydration status. Most horses have a resting heart rate between 30-40 beats per minute, and a resting respiration rate around 10-20 breaths per minute. Gums should be moist and “rose petal pink.” Your horse’s eye should be bright and engaged – never dull and despondent. Another hydration test is the “skin pinch” – pinch the skin on your horse’s point of shoulder. It should snap back immediately in a normally hydrated horse. If your horse is dehydrated, the skin tent will return more slowly or, in severe cases, stay tented.
